Have you ever wondered if you should get a trampoline for camp? Trampolines are great fun as well as providing healthy exercise. A trampoline makes a safe and enjoyable addition to your camp activities. If you are looking for a great addition to your camp, a trampoline could be just the answer. Guests love to see additional recreational activities at camp. They add to the adventure. Trampolining could be just the thing to attract new visitors or delight and entice back existing guests. Word of mouth is the bread and butter of business so have your guests tell all their friends and families what a great range of activities you provide, including ever-popular trampolining. It will make your valuable guests enjoy your camp even more.
Trampoline for Camp
A trampoline would make a great addition to your camp. Guests come to camp not just for accommodation but to partake in a great range of additional activities. Being active and having fun is at the heart of why people come to camp. Trampolining has become increasingly popular in camps and other recreational areas. It is good for both body and soul, as a benefit to our bodies and as a form of relaxation. Trampolines help create a fun environment that have visitors coming back year after year. A trampoline for camp could ensure that this year’s camp is the best holiday ever.
Younger Children
Trampolining is especially popular with parents of young children. Young children are full of energy and can be hard work. Parents are grateful when there is a way for their children to burn of excess energy in a safe and fun activity. Trampolining is easy for children to do and doesn’t involve any parental involvement. There are no rules to learn. Just take off their shoes and away they go. They can experiment to their hearts content. Trampolining is a high-energy activity that can keep children occupied for hours. Letting their parents get a welcome break and some relaxation time as they watch their children bounce and jump and have fun in a safe environment. Afterall, it’s the parents’ holiday too! Trampolines are great for bringing people together. Children make new friends and interact, learning about sharing and social skills. Parents get the chance to socialise and meet like-minded people. Often, they make new friends they want to return to camp and meet up with year after year.
Older Children

Trampolines are great for older children too. They are a great alternative to sitting in front of a screen all day. It can be hard to entice older children away from iPads and computer games. But parents know the benefits of their children getting healthy exercise. It can be a balancing act. They want their children to enjoy their holiday but they also want them to benefit from active activities that will do them good. Trampolining is an activity that children of all ages enjoy immensely but that is also healthy and good for them. It can even persuade them to put down their iPads and go outside. Trampolining teaches children that exercise can be fun. Offer a trampoline for camp and both parents and children will be happy.
Exercise is Fun
Regular exercise is necessary for children. But it can be hard for parents to instil a good exercise routine in their children. Trampolining makes exercise fun and can instil good habits that carry over to other forms of exercise. Parents can show their children that you can exercise and have fun doing it. Trampolining develops strong, healthy bodies as well as being a lot of fun. Children can work out without even feeling they are exercising. Exercising on a trampoline is never boring. Parents will love you for offering trampoline for camp as a healthy and enjoyable opportunity to their children.
Fit and Fun
Trampolines aren’t just for children. Camps are full of active people looking for energetic activities to keep them happy. An adult trampoline for camp can do just that. Trampolining has many positive benefits for the body that active people appreciate. It is a great supplementary exercise for sporty people involved in other sports and exercise as it develops strength in legs and stomachs. It also compliments other energetic activities by improving balance and coordination, as well as reaction times. Trampolining can introduce people to a fun new activity or help them develop skills they already have.
NASA Approved

According to NASA, exercise on a trampoline is ‘the most efficient and effective exercise yet devised.’ it is a low impact, high aerobic exercise that is suitable for almost everyone. Nasa reports that exercising on a trampoline is 68% more efficient than jogging. Just ten minutes of bouncing is equivalent to a thirty-minute jog. It is safer than other exercises too, burning more calories with much less stress on the body. It strengthens every cell in the body. It makes the whole-body work better by strengthening bone density and removing toxins from the body. It improves the immune system and tones and tightens the skin. Offering a trampoline for camp shows you care about your guests’ well-being.
Exercise class
Create an exercise routine of jumping jacks, burpees, sit-ups, lunges, squats and high knees. Add some calisthenics and twists and jumps. Push your feet up and down against the springy surface without leaving the surface to create a great workout for the legs. The springiness of the trampoline makes exercising easier on the body but still gives you a great workout. Offer trampolining exercise as a class on the trampoline at your camp. Guests will love it.
Relax and Unwind
Trampolines are great for relaxation too. There is nothing like bouncing on a trampoline to make all your worries and cares melt away. Trampolining relieves stress and releases feel good endorphins in the body. It is a great way to unwind and let your body relax. Trampolining even relieves pain. Bouncing acts like a natural analgesic, by increasing circulation and the flow of oxygen throughout the body. Bouncing also helps you to sleep better. People just naturally feel better and are happier when they are bouncing up and down. They love it. Jumping up and down lifts hearts and fills them with joy. You can’t not be happy on a trampoline. Make your guests happy. Offer them a trampoline.
Fun and Games

Trampolines are very adaptable too. They lend themselves to all sorts of activities and games. Like adding soft balls or balloons for younger children. Or water games for older children. Bouncing on a trampoline is only the start of the fun. With a little imagination, trampolines can be adapted for all sorts of games. Take ‘Bouncing Air Catch’. The bouncer has to try to catch a thrown ball, such as a tennis ball, while in mid-bounce to win points. Or play ‘Piggy in the Middle’ with a soft ball on a trampoline. Why not try trampolining to your favourite music? or lie on a trampoline and try to keep a beach ball aloft with your hands and legs. I’m sure you can think of many other games you could adapt to bring more variety to the trampolining activities you offer.
Special Needs Development
Trampolines are great for children with sensory issues, autism and special needs. They provide sensory stimulation and low impact exercise. They are relaxing and can be soothing and calming. They can help improve focus and concentration. Trampolines can help with motor skills development like balance and building self-confidence. If your camp caters to special needs children, a trampoline for camp would make a great addition.
Why are trampolines so much fun?
The truth is, nobody knows. It's such a simple activity, just bounce up and down, maybe with a few simple tricks thrown in. Anyone can do it. Perhaps that’s why it’s so popular. You don’t need any special skills or learning. It’s a fun and active pursuit that everyone enjoys. To defy gravity and feel like you are flying as free as a bird is thrilling. Soaring through the air brings out the inner child in everyone. There's no other feeling quite like it. No-one is ever too old to bounce. People of all ages love it. It makes them happy. It creates great memories. Everyone remembers times they bounced up and down on a trampoline. Help your guests to create great memories with a trampoline for camp.

Installing a Trampoline in your Camp is Easy
Above ground trampolines don’t take up much room and are easy to install. In-ground trampolines require more installation but are becoming increasingly popular. Make sure your trampoline is installed on even ground in an area that is easily accessible to your visitors.
A trampoline is a great upgrade for your camp. Children of all ages will have an epic adventure bouncing and jumping away for hours. Families love activities all the family can enjoy and trampolining is one of them. Families will remember precious activities they shared together. Trampolining adds to the fun-filled memories your guests will carry with them when they leave. Hopefully those wonderful memories will draw them back again for years to come.
When choosing a trampoline, it is important to make sure it meets all standard safety requirements. Trampolines today are safer than ever before. Trampoline ranges can be obtained without exposed springs, hole or hard frames. The trampoline can be placed on a shock-absorbent mat.
All trampolines should be used with a safety net. Trampolines are long-lasting and should last for years.